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O Holy Night (My Gateway to a Queendom)

THE KING of kings awaits the three kings. On this holy night across the vast Arabian desert, three camels trudge and deliver their searching riders to their journey's end.

On a fateful night as my fingers wander aimlessly about YouTube's vast archive, a Queen greets my chance arrival with a mighty serenade befitting a Messiah -- Morissette Amon sings O Holy Night! I am captivated. I am dumbstruck. I am probably as astonished as the shepherds were upon hearing the exultation of the angels: "Gloria in Excelsis Deo!"

"Fall on your knees!" The notes let out with such power and authority. The kind that shatters walls of pride and incredulity; the kind that commands genuflection. And oh did I mentally genuflect and more -- I grovelled at the feet and presence of greatness! While I lay prostrate, her voice continued to soar higher until it reached divine altitude: "Divine!" Morissette let out a piercing whistle. A mortal cry, I reckon, that harmonized with the soft steady cries of a divine baby announcing his arrival. This queen welcomed her King!

That night, I welcomed my queen! I became her faithful subject, and I bless the day (night) I stumbled upon a gateway to her queendom. Never have I ever been so invested and adoring of a Filipino artist until now. Her vocal ability is outstanding. Her talents are many. Her personality is heroin. Her brains and beauty are there, too! I could not be prouder to know that she and I hail from the same hometown!

Johanne Morissette -- how her parents must have exclaimed "Serendipity!" upon seeing years later that the names they picked in 1996 on the 2nd of June have been vindicated! How fitting that she should be named after musical juggernauts when she is becoming one herself. And how fortunate are we fans to be her contemporaries! Often we hear people wishing to have been alive in Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin or even Brahms' time. Something tells me this list will make room for my queen one day.

Success. Longevity. Family. Happiness. Love. Humility--probably the most crucial secret that holds together the slew of wishes I have for her highness. I pray the day shall not come when fame gets to her head; and should it come, I pray she wallows there not and finds her way out quick! I pray she continues to live out her moniker; never let hurdles and failures stop her altogether; instead, rise up from the ashes and soar once more like a Phoenix!

Just as Christ brings hope, so too, does Morissette. In the time of pandemic, her good heart dispels some of the bleakness I go through. How she spends time, effort and energy connecting to her fans is deeply appreciated. For a woman of substance like she is, one cannot help but feel blessed to be a fan, even if at times I take her strength for granted. To carry on despite being alone and away from your loved ones through a plague is no mean feat; it takes a special kind of courage and resilience. For that alone, she is commendable.

Someday when my hair turns white, I long to sit alone in a corner, listen and be transported by her voice to anywhere. That is me saying I would love to listen to her voice across my lifetime. I pray the Muses grant her voice box longevity! But most of all, I especially would love to be transported back to that fateful night, that 'holy night,' when I made one of my happiest and most humbling discoveries.

Holy Mowie! I've scribbled too much! What about you? What was your gateway?

Written by: Jude Solis

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